THAI Smile’s 5th ‘Tong Fah Pah Yim’ Project: By THAI Smile and Cafe Amazon


THAI Smile’s 5th ‘Tong Fah Pah Yim’ Project: By THAI Smile and Cafe Amazon

THAI Smile Airways Co., Ltd in cooperation with PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited or OR, the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) and representatives of the National Defense College of Thailand (NDC), batch 56, recently held the press conference to announce the 5th “Tong Fah Pah Yim” Project under the concept “Do good for Mom by THAI Smile and Cafe Amazon” during 5 – 8 August 2019. The project bringing 25 youths and 25 mothers from the 3 southern border provinces of Thailand to travel, learn and gain experiences outside the classroom from principal learning centers in Chiang Mai. The aim is to cultivate good deeds for children as to become good citizens in the future. Press conference also led by Mrs Charita Leelayudth, Chief Executive Officer, THAI Smile Airways Co., Ltd, Miss Jiraphon Kawswat, President and Chief Executive Officer, PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited or OR, Rear Admiral Somkeart Ponprayoon, Secretary General of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) and Dr. Natchaya Kuptapan, as a representative of the National Defense College (batch 59).