Thai Communities Keen on Renewable Energy



From left:
Thomas Chrometzka, Director Renewable Energy, GIZ Thailand
Suchalee Sumamal, Inspector General, Ministry of Energy
Kanapong Tepakong, Director, the Office of Public Participatory Promotion under the Ministry of Energy and
Christine Falken-Grosser, Counsellor, Economic and Commercial Affairs, German Embassy Thailand

The “2nd Thai-German Community-based Renewable Energy Conference 2016” is jointly hosted by the Thai Ministry of Energy (MoEN) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH at Century Park Hotel on 18 October 2016. The conference is aimed to maximise the exchange of communities, renewable energy (RE) companies and international experts in order to interactively evaluate latest models and technologies for RE on community level as well as to create and maintain a large and unique network of communities in the RE sector of Thailand.


Bangkok, 19 October 2016 – Representatives from more than 30 Communities from each region of Thailand are discussing today about how to make better use of renewable energy sources in their regions. Thailand recently ratified the global climate treaty which was signed in Paris aiming to significantly reduce greenhouse gases emissions. Since the energy sector is the main contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions the need for action is imminent.

“Thailand benefits from an abundance of renewable energy sources be it solar, bioenergy or wind. Renewable energy not only decreases carbon emissions it also creates local value which in line with the “Energy 4.0” policy, which aims to generate revenues and reduce costs for people and communities in the country, claims Suchalee Sumamal, Inspector General, Ministry of Energy. The ministry has set up a specific unit working towards these goals: “We aim to empower provinces and communities to utilise the full potential for local renewable energy projects in Thailand. We are very happy to cooperate with the German Ministry of Energy to this end”, says Kanapong Tepakorn, the Director of the Office of Public Participatory Promotion under the Ministry of Energy.

To make this vision come true approximately 150 representatives from communities, provinces, governmental agencies and the private sector are discussing challenges and drafting ideas for concrete projects within the Kingdom of Thailand. The“2nd Thai-German Community-based Renewable Energy Conference 2016” is jointly hosted by the Thai Ministry of Energy (MoEN) and the Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Three working groups in the topic of Bioenergy, Solar PV rooftop and RE-hybrid systems on islands provide platform for Thai and German industry experts to give input and suggestions to the participants on how to design feasible projects and present technical solutions available.“It is great to observe the enthusiasm of both communities and companies to advance renewable energy in Thailand”, states Thomas Chrometzka, Director Renewable Energy with GIZ Thailand. GIZ and MoEN will continue to support the communities with technical advice and especially with designing suitable community-based business models that are necessary to trigger investments in projects on the ground.

The “Thai-German Community-based Renewable Energy Conference” follows up on a series of conferences to support renewable energy project development in Thai communities. The conference has been organized in the framework of the Project Development Programme which is implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

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