Dr. Sureeporn-Dr. Sukprasert’s Wedding Celebration At Napalai Ballroom, Dusit Thani Bangkok


Prof. Dr. Pinit Kullavanijaya, Assistant Secretary General of The Thai Red Cross Society was the guest of honour at the wedding celebration between Dr. Sureeporn, daughter of Surasak-Amporn Sritangrattanakul and Dr. Sukprasert, son of Ratchaneeporn Jutakorkiat, held at Napalai Ballroom of Dusit Thani Bangkok.

Picture Shows: (from Left) Amporn Sritangrattanakul; Ratchaneeporn Jutakorkiat; the bridal couple; Prof. Dr. Pinit Kullavanijaya and Surasak Sritangrattanakul