Dentsu media introduces the most in-depth insight solution ‘DMT DeepDrive’, empowering business performance



Bangkok – Dentsu media Thailand, a subsidiary of Dentsu Aegis Network (DAN) today announced the launch of “DMT DeepDrive”, the most unique in-depth insight solution to unlock the deepest hidden truth on consumer behavior and change adoption. With this solution, it can ensure clients not only develop effective communication but also increase business competitiveness in the age of digital economy.

Bringing about the comprehensive in-depth insight, the study combines five processes including Desk Research, Qualitative, Workshop, Quantitative and Segmentation Analysis.

Mr. Mitsuyuki Nakamura, President of Dentsu media Southeast Asia and Chief Executive Officer of Dentsu media Thailand, said as Dentsu media Thailand is fully committed to providing solid solutions to clients. Nakamura said, “Unlike other studies, we are determined to invent an innovative and insightful solution and reveal consumer insights all in one place ranging from behavior, attitude, to deeper causes.”

DMT DeepDrive enables marketers to make wiser marketing decision and design effective marketing strategies as it provides less guessing but more validated result. This new solution provides different segments of consumers in terms of psychographics, lifestyle, top changes adoption, bottom changes adoption and many more. This helps marketers to identify real core target and choose the right approach. Clients are assured to deliver the right message in the right context; especially teens and moms. Hence, target consumers will be more open to the brand.

“There are four key most critical differentiators that enables DMT DeepDrive the deepest consumer understanding,” said Mr. Nakamura.
• No more surface-level of research like typical behavior and attitude study. It aims at delving into deeper causes of insights such as characteristics, determinants, and external influences.
• Unique research verification that includes cultural context checking. Such verification can clarify the reason why Thais do not adopt some global changes or trends.
• Providing Duplex sides of each driver to understand how “needs” win over “concerns,” and vice versa. It is about pulling & pushing heart & head of consumers that affect their changes adoption. For example, time factor could be considered positive motivation or negative avoidance.
• Consumer segmentation to identify the inner truth of consumer with different needs. The study involves insights of other parts of consumers’ lives which can help clients specify consumers’ dilemmas and plights in the society. This unorthodox segmentation of customers can unveil new aspects of brand’s point of view. For example, segmentation from DeepDrive focuses on moms as human beings not only as mothers like normal researcher for baby product.

Mr. Sarnchatt Chansrakao, Managing Director of Dentsu media Thailand said that Dentsu media Thailand is disrupting traditional market research by introducing DMT DeepDrive, “the first-ever practical insight solution in Thailand that cover all the marketing aspects and needs for our client partners for now and in the future to facilitate marketers with solution for marketing plan to enhance their capabilities and provide sustainable business growth as well as prepare for Thailand 4.0 era.”

This solution consists of the in-depth database of 1,500 respondents nationwide and is possible to work together with the Consumer Connection System (CCS), Dentsu Aegis Network’s proprietary tools and database to strengthen result validation. This is an initiative collaborated by Communication Design Centre (CDC) of Dentsu media Thailand and Homerun Consulting Company.

Businesses can benefit from the new dimensional insight of DMT DeepDrive solution to improve competitiveness and enhance business growth, particularly in the areas of communication development and overall marketing development such as portfolio management or product development. This solution helps clients identify new areas of which business and product are determining in a broad spectrum of high potential market lists ranging from kids related business, beyond academic education, business for anti-office/anti-city life syndrome, innovations for happiness, digital technology and business & services those shorten consumer’s time consumption.

Dentsu media Thailand is endeavor to utilize DMT DeepDrive, its insightful analysis to bring success to clients. Plus, monthly articles featuring key findings are on its way to be released to Dentsu media Thailand clients’ and business partners. Dentsu media Thailand also put a strong focus on its integration with DAN’s existing proprietary tools like Consumer Connection System (CCS).

“We do not just provide a one-time off study,” said Mr. Sarnchatt. “We are raising the bar of brand and consumer communication research to a deeper and longer-lasting level.”

“Dentsu media Thailand is currently developing a simplifying and visualizing dashboard that transforms complicated data into easy-to-understand information. This extension module will enable marketers to utilize the database to its fullest potential. This solution will allow our clients to gain an in-depth insightful analysis of customized target groups,”.Mr. Sarnchatt concluded.